Public transit to Diponegoro University in Semarang City
Public transportation that can be used to get to Diponegoro University is BRT (Bus Rapid Trans). The prices or tariffs for BRT are as follows:
Students: IDR 1,000
General: IDR 3,500
When you arrive in Semarang City to go to Diponegoro University, you can take the BRT towards Teroboyo-Sisemut at the City Hall bus stop. Next, transit at Elisabeth bus stop to change BRT Elf mode to the UNDIP-UNNES route.
If the BRT you are riding does not match your destination, you can change modes at the Semarang City Hall bus stop to make transit.
Route services can be downloaded via the “Trans Semarang” application which is available on the Play Store. If there are problems when boarding the BRT, you can ask the BRT officers who serve at several shelters.